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This is your weekly appointment with the legal newsletter, in which we present to you everything that is important and new in the legal field. Presented by Yingke & Shayan Legal Consulting- Dubai - UAE.UAE01Federal Law No. (12) of 2023阿联酋财政部发布的规范联邦公共部门与私营部门之间的合作伙伴关系的2023年第12号联邦法案已于2023年12月1日生效,鼓励私营部门参与发展和战略项目,并促进联邦公共部门实施的经济、社会和服务价值项目的投资。该法案旨在利用私营部门的能力和专业知识,实现高效管理和提供最佳成本价值的公共服务,同时减轻政府面临的财务和运营风险负担。 The Ministry of Finance announced th
This is your weekly appointment with the legal newsletter, in which we present to you everything that is important and new in the legal field. Presented by Yingke & Shayan Legal Consulting- Dubai - UAE.#UAE1.阿联酋经济部批准新电子商务法阿联酋经济部批准了一项新的电子商务法(2023年第14号联邦法令),该法涵盖了中央银行、税务局和电信及数字政府监管机构的要求,规范了网络安全、数字化转型和电子商务许可等方面。该法旨在保护通过电子商务渠道购买商品或服务下的消费者利益和知识产权。此外,该法还提供了争议解决的可选司法管辖和可选保险覆盖原则。The UAE’s Economy Ministry has announced it has approved a new E-Com
#UAE哈伊马角酋长国的最高委员会发布了《2023年第16号法案》,降低了民商事诉讼、租赁纠纷、执行等案件的法院费用,并针对上诉和核准前的费用也进行了调整。Ras al Khaimah’s Ruler and Supreme Council member has issued RAK Law No. 16 of 2023 concerning Court Fees (the “New Fees Law”), which replaces the previous court fees law, RAK Law No. 9 of 2016 (the “Previous Fees Law”).Under the Law, judicial fees have been reduced for all civil and commercial lawsuits, rental dispute lawsuits, executive cases and requests for performa
前言The weekly legal newsletter is concerned with and monitors all developments that occur in the legal arena, including the issuance of new laws and legislation, as well as their amendments, updates, etc., in the countries of the Middle East, especially (GCC countries, Egypt, and Iran).中东法律简报关注中东国家,特别是海湾合作委员会国家法律领域发生的所有动态,包括新法律和立法的颁布及其修订、更新等。# UAE 阿联酋01迪拜调解新规于2023年10月1日生效迪拜国际仲裁中心(DIAC)于2023年7月批准的调解规则已于2023年10月1日生效,在此日期之后提交的调解请求均将适用于新规则。规则包括关于仲裁与诶定
The weekly legal newsletter is concerned with and monitors all developments that occur in the legal arena, including the issuance of new laws and legislation, as well as their amendments, updates, etc., in the countries of the Middle East, especially (GCC countries, Egypt, and Iran).So, stay up-to-date with our weekly legal newsletter presented by Yingke & Shayan Legal Consulting-Dubai-UAE.中东法律简报关注中东国家,特别是海湾合作委员会国家法律领域发生的所有动态,包括新法律和立法的颁布